The target cell is a cylinder of 144 mm in diameter and 125 mm in height, made of high-purity aluminium bars and 150 μm thick two-kapton walls. It is placed inside the vacuum chamber above the beam pipe, has a 125 μm entrance window, a 100 μm thick Ti top window, and is surrounded by 8 SDD arrays (64 SDD cells), with a dedicated thermal contact to keep them stable at the 170 K working temperature [1,2].
For the optimization of the degrader, the SIDDHARTINO target cell has been filled with 4He gas at a temperature of 25 K and pressure of 1 bar, which corresponds to 1.5% of Liquid Helium Density (LHeD). The high yield of the 3d → 2p transition of kaonic helium-4 (K-4He) allowed to appreciate variations in the number of signal events at the level of 2% in a few hours of data-taking. The final period of the SIDDHARTINO data taking in June 2021 was dedicated to the measurement of K––4He(3d → 2p) transitions at lower density, namely 0.4 bar, corresponding to 0.73% LHeD. The analysis was performed on the summed spectra of 16.5 pb−1 and 9.5 pb−1 for the 1.5% and 0.73% LHeD runs, respectively, for a total integrated luminosity of 26 pb−1 collected in about 20 days of data-taking with the SIDDHARTINO apparatus [3,4]. Results can be found in this page. Below, several pictures of the cylindrical target are shown and, in the end, a schematic reconstruction of the SIDDHARTINO apparatus is provided.

[1]. L. De Paolis et al., Trigger rejection factor in the first kaonic helium run with the complete SIDDHARTA-2 setup, EPJ Web of Conferences 270, 00028 (2022).
[2]. F. Sgaramella et al., The SIDDHARTA-2 calibration method for high precision kaonic atoms x-ray spectroscopy measurements, Physica Scripta 97, 11 (2022).
[3]. D. L. Sirghi et al., A new kaonic helium measurement in gas by SIDDHARTINO at the DAΦNE collider, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 49, 055106 (2022).
[4]. D. L. Sirghi et al. , A New measurements of kaonic helium-4 L-series X-rays yields in gas with the SIDDHARTINO setup, Nucl. Phys. A 1029, 122567 (2023).